
Increase WooCommerce Variations per page in Product editor

Category: Advanced SolutionsBlogIntegrationsWooCommerce

We can Increase WooCommerce Variations per page in Product editor by using the WooCommerce provided filter called...

How to Backup a WordPress Site With a Plugin (Safest Method)

Category: Advanced SolutionsIntegrationsWP Security Tutorials

The easiest way to create a WordPress backups is by using a plugin like Duplicator. It is one of the best WordPress backup plugins that could be used freely....

How to Disable XML-RPC in WordPress (Safe Methods)

Category: Advanced SolutionsIntegrationsWP Security Tutorials

Think of XML-RPC like a special doorbell for your WordPress site. It lets other apps and tools ring that doorbell to connect with your site. But, in the past,...

How To Disable Directory Indexes For WordPress

Category: Advanced SolutionsWP Security Tutorials

Imagine your website’s folders like rooms in a house. Normally, if someone opens a room and there’s no sign saying “Do Not Enter”, they...

How to Change WordPress Database Prefix for Better Security

Category: Advanced SolutionsWP Security Tutorials

Think of your website’s database as a big storage room where everything about your website is kept. Now, imagine if a thief knows exactly where the most...

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