
Since its start, WordPress has grown to be one of the top website platforms worldwide. This is good because many developers are always making it better. But, because so many websites use WordPress, bad actors also try to hack it. Here are WordPress Statistics That Everyone Need To Know In 2024. And this article guides you How to keep WordPress secure in 2024.

This article helps you really understand WordPress and gives you answers to important questions. Most importantly, it helps you decide if WordPress is good for your business website. It also tells you how to make the most of WordPress if you’re already using it for your site.

Here are some well known WordPress Statistics That Everyone Need To Know In 2024:

WordPress runs over 43% of all websites online. That’s a huge number, totaling 810 million websites.

(W3Techs — WordPress Usage, Kinsta)

Kinsta’s report from January 2023 shows that 63% of websites using a known content management system are using WordPress, which is a big jump from 39% in 2021. To put this in perspective, Joomla, the second most popular CMS, is only used by 4.6% of sites, and Drupal, another popular CMS, is used by just 3% of websites.

Interestingly, according to W3Techs, Shopify comes in second place with a 5.6% market share, but WordPress still holds the top spot firmly. W3Techs also tells us that WordPress powers 59% of the top 1 million sites, with 56% of the top 100,000, 51% of the top 10,000, and 47% of the top 1000 sites.

Some big names like The New York Times, Facebook Newsroom, BBC America, and TechCrunch rely on WordPress for their websites.

More interesting facts:

  • WordPress has a 62.5% market share in the CMS market
  • WordPress powers 14.7% of the world’s top websites
  • 500+ sites are built each day using WordPress while only 60-80 per day are built on platform like Shopify and Squarespace
  • The WordPress Plugin Directory features 55,000+ plugins
  • WooCommerce powers 22% of the top 1 million ecommerce sites in the world

English (44.2%), Spanish (5.9%), and Japanese (5.9%) are the three most common languages used for WordPress.

(WordPress — Translations)

WordPress.org is accessible in almost any language, with WordPress websites translated into more than 208 languages. Among these, 52 languages have translations that are more than halfway complete.

Other widely used languages for WordPress include German (5.7%), French (4.4%), and British English (3.5%).

Regarding language support for WordPress plugins and themes, the primary languages are English, Spanish, German, French, and Portuguese.

Source: WordPress

WordPress comes with built-in translation features, making it easy for developers to translate websites into various languages.

WordPress CMS is behind 45% of the top results you see on Google search.


GotchSEO conducted an analysis to determine the best CMS for SEO by examining the top 10 search engine results pages (SERPs). Surprisingly, a majority of the websites ranking at the top do not use any CMS, accounting for 58% of the results.

However, when excluding non-CMS websites from the analysis, it becomes evident which CMS performs best for SEO. According to GotchSEO’s WordPress Statistics, 45% of the top-ranking results are powered by WordPress.

Achieving a high ranking on Google SERPs requires thorough optimization, covering aspects like image optimization and metadata. Data suggests that WordPress stands out as the most SEO-friendly CMS. Notably, its quality themes and plugins contribute to an excellent user experience. For example, plugins like Yoast SEO make it easy for WordPress users to create metadata, a crucial factor for SEO ranking.

Some Key Insights Into WordPress itself

(W3Techs, WordPress, WP Theme Detector)

  • Most websites that run on WordPress are using version 6, which is about 67.1% of them.
  • Most of these websites also use PHP 7, which is about 73%. Fewer websites, only about 20.8%, use PHP 8.
  • WordPress offers more than 60,000 plugins, and they’ve been downloaded over a billion times!
  • There are also over 10,000 themes you can find in the official WordPress theme directory.

WooCommerce is behind more than 70 million eCommerce stores on WordPress.


WordPress started as a blogging tool but has become a big deal in online stores too.

WooCommerce is one of the best plugins for making online shops. It’s free like WordPress, but you can pay for extra features if you want them.

BuiltWith’s WP stats show that 28.01% of the most visited sites use WooCommerce, showing how popular it is among busy websites.

Plus, WooCommerce’s popularity is growing fast, with more people using it in 2020 compared to before.

In the eCommerce platforms category, WooCommerce owns a market share of 67.97% .

(6Sense, Kinsta)

The top three competitors of WooCommerce in the online store category are Shopify (16.42%), Magento (2.65%), and Jimdo (1.95%).

Kinsta’s report says that Shopify is the most popular choice among the top 100,000 websites. But it’s worth mentioning that out of these top sites, only 58,501 actually use a known eCommerce platform.

Out of the top 10,000 sites with known online store platforms, 459 use Shopify and 113 use WooCommerce.

Source: Kinsta

However, what works for these big sites might not be the best choice for medium to small size business.

Some WordPress Security Statistics

(Wordfence, Sucuri)

  • WordPress websites get attacked about 9 times every minute. That’s roughly 13,000 attacks each day, 390,000 attacks every month, and a whopping 4.9 million attacks every year.
  • About 8% of WordPress sites are hacked because their passwords are too easy to guess.
  • In the last two years alone, more than 1.2 million WordPress websites have had harmful files on them.

WordPress Community Statistics.

  • As of April 2023, there have been 1149 WordCamps on 6 continents, in 65 countries, and in 384 cities.

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